Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wow, it's been a long time

OK, here's what's been going on and what I'm going to do to fix it.

First, the long gap was the result of a number of factors, not the least of which is my long-running battle with depression, which is currently NOT being helped by medication because we ran out of insurance quite a while ago. This has also led to our being forced to move from the S.F. Bay Area to Bakersfield (currently in the packing stage). Added to that was some problems I've gone through regarding the domains I own having some hosting problems and needing to finesse the free hosting sites, etc.

However, I have a new hosting site for one of my domains and having finally gotten my act together enough to edit all the recorded sessions (including ID3 tags) I now have them all uploaded to a website and can share them with you.

But (you knew that had to be in there, didn't you?), there are a lot of them and it will take a while for me to get them up. I'm also going to put them up in show groupings - so all the Aelven Aetherics sets will be put up, then all the Blues-Infused sets will be put up, then...

So, keep watching this space. A flood is coming your way.

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