Saturday, May 5, 2012

Why no Geared-Up Jazz today

I have a really good reason why there's no recording of the Geared-Up Jazz party today - I couldn't be there. You see, I got a call from my father a few hours before I was due to start DJing and found out that my 77-year-old mother had had her first accident as a driver. Seems someone decided that they needed to make a left turn right in front of her (despite not having the right-of-way) and redecorated the left-front corner of her car for her.

Mom's all right and out of the hospital with nothing more that sore muscles, and a couple of bruises & scrapes. But she wasn't released by the hospital until too late for me to make it home to DJ.

By the way folks, if you (for some stupid reason) decide to go head into head with a Prius with something smaller than a tank, expect to lose. Mom's car only took damage to her bumper and left fender. The other car's grill was missing and the bumper was in the engine compartment. And Mom's airbags didn't even have to deploy. I'm putting Priuses on a safety par with Volvos.

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